United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County

Volunteer Opportunities

Here are some example volunteer opportunities:

youthMentor.jpg Youth Mentor/Youth Group Facilitator

Provides a constructive recreational and social experience to children and youth in order to increase their opportunities, choices and enhance their self esteem.
technician.jpg Technology Troubleshooter

Provides technical support and advice to agency staff and volunteers when questions or problems arise related to computer hardware, software and other technologies
activityInstructor.jpg Recreation Activity Leader

Plans and leads recreation and cultural activities in which clients of all ages can participate and enjoy.
boardTreasurer.jpg Board Treasurer

Assists in establishing organization policies and objectives. Reviews an organization’s overall financial performance, develops annual budgets, provides financial oversight and resource development.
sportsConveyer.jpg Minor Sports Coordinator

Co-ordinates a season of children’s minor sports. This can include positions of Convener, Coach or Official.
eventVolunteer.jpg Event Volunteer

Assists a team of volunteers in the planning, organizing and execution of a variety of events including fundraising and community awareness and other activities.

Create your free profile on WEVolunteer today!

United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County
300 Giles Boulevard East, Unit A1, Windsor, Ontario N9A 4C4

t: 519-258-0000 | f: 519-258-2346 | info@weareunited.com | Charitable Registration #: 108160334 RR0001